Creating your profile

In the top right corner of every page of the CPBC website you will see 'Members' Area'. Click on the text or the 'person' icon and that will take you to the 'Sign Up or Log In' screen.
Step One
Enter your email address and a create a password.
Click the purple 'Sign Up' button.
Step Two
The website will send a 6-digit code to the email address you've just entered.
Type the code into the box that comes up on the next screen.
Click the 'Confirm and Sign Up' button.
Step Three
The next screen will confirm that your application to join has been received. If are listed as a Member of Clarence Park Baptist Church, you will receive another email confirming that your access to the Members' Area has been set up. There may be a delay before you receive confirmation as this is dependent on a human being at the other end!
Step Four
The next time you click the 'Members' Area' link at the top of the page, click the purple 'Log In' text instead of 'Sign Up', enter your email and password and you should get through to the Members' Area.